Health + Wellness

Black or White — Tea Is More Than Just A Drink

When it comes to the health benefits of tea, it doesn’t matter if you drink black or white—tea is good for you. Most people are familiar with black tea, but it’s younger version, white tea, is packed full of healthy antioxidants, giving it a bevy of benefits.

Black Tea

As one of the oldest beverages around, the benefits (and deliciousness) of black tea have been known for millennia. A product of the Camellia sinensis plant, black tea is consumed not only for its benefits as a soothing beverage but also for its medicinal properties.

Wake Up

Black tea has been used to improve mental alertness for about as long as it has existed. The caffeine in the tea has the potential to keep a person awake and alert throughout the day, even if the person is a bit sleep deprived. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ MedlinePlus notes this particular type of tea to have an impact on learning, information processing skills, and memory, making it a powerful tool in getting through your day.

Defend Against Disease

Besides its effect on your mind, it also affects your cardiovascular system. In fact, it prevents heart disease, atherosclerosis and heart attack since it contains antioxidants. Additionally, it has been linked to a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, including colon, lung, ovarian, breast and stomach cancer.

Supplement Your Diet

For those looking to lose weight, adding a regimen of black tea may help because of the caffeine it contains. It has been known to aid with type two diabetes in addition to diet modifications and possibly drug therapy. Although tea has a bad reputation for causing stains on the teeth, this kind of tea actually prevents tooth decay. It may also prevent kidney stones, treat certain stomach ailments and ease vomiting and diarrhea.

White Tea

Just like black tea, white tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The harvested young, preventing the oxidation that causes black tealeaves to be so dark. Since this is essentially the same drink but with a different flavor, it makes sense that white tea also has benefits beyond taste.

Germ Killing Power

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine promotes white tea’s ability to kill viruses, fungi and bacteria. Moreover, studies have shown that white tea has more power to kill these microorganisms than other kinds of tea. One study focused on this kind of tea’s impact on Staphylococcus infections and pneumonia. Milton Schiffenbauer, Ph.D., a microbiologist and professor in the Department of Biology at Pace University, conducted research that indicates this tea can destroy certain disease-causing organisms.

Relax While Fighting Disease

Compared to many other teas, white tea has more polyphenols, which are the antioxidants that can help to prevent and even kill cancer cells. The antioxidants within it assist in preventing heart disease as well. Plus, it has much less caffeine. So if you don’t want to be up all night or don’t handle high quantities of caffeine well, white tea is a great alternative to the more popular black tea. White tea has about one percent of the caffeine that a cup of regular coffee does, making it virtually caffeine free.

Detox The Natural Way

Because white tealeaves are dried naturally and not allowed to ferment, they retain much more of their natural properties. Because of this and all those powerful antioxidants, white tea has been triumphed for its superb powers of detoxification as well, helping your body eliminate harmful toxins and promoting a healthier you.

Do It For Your Skin

White tea has been shown to support healthy skin and give you a natural glow. This is thanks again to the abundance of antioxidants that protect against free-radical damage, which can advance the aging process and lead to wrinkles and other skin aging.

Do It For Your Body

Other benefits of white tea include the potential to reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and strengthen your bones. Plus, it has a small amount of fluoride, which aids in keeping your teeth strong.

The benefits of teas – both black and white – are undeniable. Whether you are looking for a soothing hot beverage to perk you up or a cold and refreshing antioxidant-rich treat, the Camellia sinensis plant has provided several wonderful options.